Thursday, October 26, 2006

Second Meeting is Tomorrow

It's been a long three weeks, but the BSEC's second meeting is finally nearly upon us! Tomorrow in clubs we'll be putting our science/chemistry skills to good use and making silly putty, as well as (probably) shooting off a potato or rocket or something. Fun fun!

We'll also be planning two most important things:
  1. Our Harvest Fest booth, which will feature Segway rides and silly-putty-making demonstrations,
  2. and our third meeting, when we'll actually get to make our own potato guns!

We'll have a report on how it all went sometime in the next few days.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Potato Gun v. Balloons

Any guesses what'll happen? Mmm? Any?

We tried this in the club Friday, but didn't have time to get it to work. Well, today we did. Enjoy... and start thinking about what we should shoot at our next meeting!

Video: Potato Gun v. Balloons

P.S. Sorry about the totally out-of-sync audio...
EDIT: Fixed audio by using MSN Soapbox instead of YouTube.