Saturday, October 09, 2010

Welcome to 2010/11!

The BSEC continues into the 2010/11 school year! We are under new management:
John French–Co-President
Joe Barnard–Co-President
Noah Goldstein–Co-Vice-President
Diego Fiore–Co-Vice-President
And we are going to do lots of awesome things! For instance we are planning a huge and awesome rocket launch, which will include the ginormous E-powered Mean Machine and possibly an F-powered flight (if we can figure out how to do that…) as well as an attempt to launch the 10 or so Sword rockets that everyone (attempted to) build at once, and a couple of boost gliders! It'll be exciting.
We also have some thermite in the closet… And dry ice will certainly return…
Any ideas? Post them in the comments!

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