Friday, December 01, 2006

A Guide to the Blog

Welcome to the official Beaver Science and Engineering Club blog! Here you'll find news, videos, pictures, and more. To help you get around, here are a few links to the most important posts and items:

Year One
First Meeting: Planning our first meeting ever, spent doing some simple planning
Second Meeting: Rube Goldberg Machines 9th grade won, 10th grade lost. :(
Third Meeting: Potato Gun I get the burn on my sweatshirt

And then there was a long stretch where we didn't do very much, but worked on rockets with egg payloads for a long time.

?th Meeting: Egg Launch Finale finally! after THREE MONTHS!
?+1th Meeting: Burning Flour the beginning of a new era
?+2th Meeting: More Flour... Waaaaay More we got some BIG flames

We did a bit more before the end of the year, but nothing significant.

Year Two
First Meeting: Potato Gun the year we don't make the mistake of starting out without a bang
Second Meeting: Silly Putty and Basic Rocket Launch fewer bangs, more chemistry
Third Meeting: Van de Graaff Generator and Rocket Dune Buggy less chemistry, more electricity
Fourth Meeting: Potato Gun + Target this time we have something to shoot AT, plus some more ammunition variety
Fifth Meeting dry ice, smashing a monitor, rocket car
Sixth Meeting rocket javelin [with video]
Seventh Meeting dry ice and two rockets, including one that kind of nearly killed us (or at least, nearly hit us) [with video]
Eighth Meeting we fail at making a hydrogen fuel-cell car
Ninth Meeting our rocket does eight flips [with video]
Tenth-Twelfth Meetings Recap the egg launch project puts us in a bit of a lull for the second year in a row

Become a Potato Gun/Rocket Launching Expert a few tips and tricks
Safety Guidelines we try not to be quite as reckless as we look

I will expand this guide as the blog expands.

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